My hounds ran to the window. They heard a familiar sound and had to investigate. The sound means someone is coming to the front door. They are at attention and staring intently out the window. Their tails are wagging and ears are up. Then comes the big disappointment of me going out the garage door to greet the delivery guy. The package he delivered was filled with produce. Some of it I had never tasted before and was excited to try something new. It was a hot day and a frozen treat came to mind. A day or two later persimmon gelato was churning in my kitchen.
What all was in the box? Well, the kind folks at Frieda’s had sent an assortment of Zuzuland Queen baby pineapples, purple asparagus, sugar cane swizzle sticks, and Fuyu persimmons. I though about making a pineapple beverage and garnish it with the swizzle sticks. However I had done that with Blood Orange Pineapple Rum Cocktail. The asparagus was cooked and eaten that very night. All I can say is if you see purple asparagus to get it and don’t think twice. You will enjoy it.
I had never tasted a persimmon before the box arrived. I’ve heard about them and yet I can’t even remember seeing them in a market or store. Either that or I passed them by not knowing what I was missing. Fuyu persimmons have a light, delicate flavor. It’s like a super mild peach or apricot sweetened with honey and a teensy pinch of fig. Fuyu persimmons can be eaten firm or soft.
Persimmon gelato recipe has four ingredients; persimmons, milk, superfine sugar, and cream. It is important to use superfine sugar because it dissolves without heat or cooking. You could adjust the amount of sugar based on the fruit’s sweetness. Persimmons get sweeter as they go from firm to soft. Keep that in mind and perhaps start with a little sugar. Because of using superfine sugar, you can stir in more at the end to make it to your sweetness preference.
How does the gelato taste? It’s like the fruit itself with a mildly, delicate flavor. The texture is also light and airy, almost fluffy. It scoops with ease even after firming up in the freezer after churning. I let my husband taste it after churning and he was digging into it the moment I gave the go-ahead to eat. It was all gone within a few days. Next time I see persimmons I’ll be sure to get a bunch of them.
Do you enjoy persimmons? Do you put them in salads or cook or bake with them? I’m looking for ideas and inspiration. I’ll be accumulating recipes in order to be prepared when I get some more. Now the hunt for them begins…

Persimmon Gelato
- 4 persimmons fuyu persimmon recommended, peeled and chopped
- 3 tablespoons whole milk plus more as needed
- 1/3 cup superfine sugar
- 1 cup heavy whipping cream
Place persimmons and milk in a blender. Blend until pureed.
Pour into a bowl. Whisk in sugar and whipping cream.
Stir in enough additional milk to make mixture equal 4 cups. Cover and chill thoroughly, about 4 hours.
Pour chilled mixture into an ice cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Transfer gelato to a freezer safe container and freeze for at least one hour or overnight.
Recipe Notes
Cook time is approximate time for churning and does not include chilling time prior to churning.
Disclosure: I received a box of assorted produce from Frieda’s at no charge. I was under no obligation to post a review. All opinions are my own unless otherwise stated or contained within a guest post.
John Restaino
Saturday 27th of November 2021
Would really like to try this recipe but my persimmons are all different sizes. It would be more helpful to indicate a volume of persimmon puree rather than just 4 persimmons.
Alyce Lacey
Tuesday 23rd of October 2018
Sounds wonderful. Can this be made without an ice cream machine? I have watched videos on making gelato w/o ice cream machine. Will the same principle work with this recipe or do I need to add eggs
Katie Moseman
Wednesday 24th of October 2018
In theory, it should work similarly, but it may not be as smooth. Without eggs, you have a greater chance of ice crystals forming. If you do give it a try, I'd love to know how it works out.
Thursday 2nd of November 2017
I'm trying this when I get home TONIGHT! Can you tell me approximately how much it makes? Just wondering if I should double for a party of four. Thanks!
Katie Moseman
Thursday 2nd of November 2017
About 4 cups. This will serve 4-8 people, depending on how much gelato they like to eat per serving.
Monday 20th of July 2015
This looks amazing, I bet it is delicious on a hot day
Sarah | Curious Cuisiniere
Wednesday 27th of May 2015
Oh my goodness. This looks amazing! I've only eaten persimmon once, but If I ever found them fresh again, I'd make this gelato!