Slow-Cooker Cuban Pork
An accumulation of citrus needed to be put to use. Extras were purchased to be included in photos. They do make great props and give a visual clue as to …
An accumulation of citrus needed to be put to use. Extras were purchased to be included in photos. They do make great props and give a visual clue as to …
A crumpled paper towel is on the counter. It is left out to dry and be re-used later. An old percolator coffee pot used to strain and store bacon grease …
It was a typical Saturday morning. Airplanes were tied down in rows on the side of the airport. An engine would crank followed by the familiar sound of a prop …
The binder is bulging with recipes. Years of collecting and saving have stretched the capacity to its limit. Sections are neatly labeled and unsecured clippings slip out of their place. …
Want to know a secret for tender pork chops? It’s very simple to do. The secret is braising. It takes plain fried pork chops and makes them flavorful and tender …
Do you enjoy barbeque? I certainly do. It is something very common here in the South. What I call “true barbeque” is made by cooking it in a pit, a …