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Connections, Inspiration, and Awards

Solomon's Seal

My Solomon’s Seal bloomed this past week. Look at how the delicate flowers are hanging from a single stem. It makes me think of the people in my life and how we are connected. Whether I am in contact personally or virtually, each person adds so much to my life. What you share and contribute leads me to be filled with inspiration:

  • Foodies – to try new foods, techniques, and recipes
  • Artists – to be creative
  • Designers – to live beautifully
  • Wine Lovers – to explore more of the world through wine
  • Gardeners – to grow my love of nature
  • Photographers – to capture beauty
  • Writers – to communicate via written words
  • Bloggers – to be passionate and expressive

Each day brings something new. This past week I was honored to be the recipient of a few blogging awards:

Liebster Blog Award Icon

The Liebster Blog Award was given to me by Kayle at The Cooking Actress. Thanks Kayle! The award is given to new and up and coming blogs.

Sunshine Award Icon

The Sunshine Award was given to me by Jessica at Oh Cake. Thank you Jessica! The rules for the award is to include the logo in your blog, answer 10 questions about yourself, nominate 10 bloggers, link your nominees blogs and post a comment on their blog to let them know they are nominated, and link to the person who nominated you. Here are the 10 questions about me:

  1. Favorite color – green
  2. Favorite animal – dog, specifically whippets
  3. Favorite number – I really do not have a favorite number
  4. Favorite non-alcoholic drink – coffee
  5. Facebook or twitter – twitter, but facebook is a close second
  6. My passion – food/cooking
  7. Prefer giving or receiving presents – giving
  8. Favorite pattern – the imperfect perfect patterns in nature
  9. Favorite day of the week – Saturday
  10. Favorite flower – Peony

Kreativ Blogger Award Icon

The Kreativ Blogger Award was given to me by both Jessica at Oh Cake and Sofie at The German Foodie. Thanks again Jessica and thank you Sofie! The rules for the award are to list 10 facts about yourself and then nominate 6 blogs for the award. Here are 10 random facts about me:

  1. I dream vividly every night and remember most all of my dreams.
  2. I married when I was 18 years old, almost 29 years ago.
  3. My favorite vacation destinations are California Wine Country and Germany.
  4. The first concert I ever attended was Elvis Presley.
  5. I love kitchen gadgets (thank goodness for extra storage in my basement).
  6. My least favorite kitchen activity is washing the dishes.
  7. One of my favorite Christmas presents was a gas-powered commercial backpack blower.
  8. I hang/fold clothes as soon as the dryer beeps.
  9. My tastes in food changed very much just before I turned 40.
  10. I do not watch or read the news.

The Versatile Blogger Award Icon

The Versatile Blogger Award was given to me by Jessica at Oh Cake. That would be a thank you times three for Jessica. The rules for the award is to thank the person who gave you the award (done X 3), list 7 things about yourself (see above), and pass on the award to other bloggers.

Now to spread the love. It was very hard for me to choose 10 blogs because I enjoy so many. As difficult as it is to do, the rules say I must. Therefore, I am passing the Sunshine, Kreativ Bloggger, and Versatile Blogger awards to the following blogs:

  1. Family Foodie
  2. Big Fat Baker
  3. Juanita’s Cocina
  4. Chocolate Moosey
  5. The Meltaways
  6. Val’s Food and/or Art
  7. The Primlani Kitchen
  8. The Lovely Pantry
  9. The Little Ferraro Kitchen
  10. Mangoes and Chutney

Please take a few moments to visit these blogs. Each one has something unique and there are many great recipes to be found. You might get inspired from them too. I know I do.

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Lyn @LovelyPantry

Monday 2nd of April 2012

Hi Renee! Very well done on your many awards! Thank you for considering me for an award! I've just done a post..and guess what? You got some award love too!


Monday 2nd of April 2012

Thank you so much Lyn! I am heading to your site right now to check out your award love...


Wednesday 28th of March 2012

Thanks for the award love!


Wednesday 28th of March 2012

You are very welcome! Very much deserved.


Wednesday 28th of March 2012

Thank you so much Renee! I am so honored to be included in your list :) I have enjoyed getting to know you through the multiple outlets. Congratulations on all of your awards! :)


Wednesday 28th of March 2012

Thank you Erin!

amy @ fearless homemaker

Tuesday 27th of March 2012

fun to read the little tidbits about you that I didn't know before. my favorite color is green, too. =) + i remember almost all of my dreams, too. people always find that strange!


Tuesday 27th of March 2012

It is interesting to hear how people do or do not remember their dreams. I can even continue a dream from one night to the next. If only there was a way to record them other than in my own memory. Too much or crazy to try and put into words.

Terry B Gardner (@tbgdesign)

Tuesday 27th of March 2012



Tuesday 27th of March 2012

Thanks Terry!